Our Services

Tailored to your individual needs


The Programming phase sets the foundation for a successful project. This is where we learn all we can about your budget, growth, and vision. 

Space Planning

Our Space Plans showcase new construction including walls, casework, appliances, furniture, etc. to highlight the layout and flow of your new space. 

Design Development

During Design Development, we go through a series of strategic exercises that help us develop a solid concept and aesthetic direction. Throughout the rest of the design process, we refer to this phase to ensure a relationship between concept and application. 

Construction Documents

During this phase, each construction detail is accounted for including materials, plumbing and electrical specifications, etc. Details are refined to ensure you receive the most accurate bid from contractors. 

Construction Administration

We handle Construction Administration so you don’t have to! We act as a resource for you and your Contractors. This phase is essential in ensuring that the design remains intact. Our team monitors every step of the construction process to ensure quality control.

Furniture Coordination & Procurement

The Coordination and Procurement (purchasing) of furniture happens after the design is created, presented and approved by you. During this phase, we refine selections that enhance the current design. In addition to budgeting and purchasing your furnishings, we help to manage the tracking, storage, delivery and installation of your items.

Graphics & Signage

 During this phase, we refine the selections we presented during the Concept Development phase. In addition to budgeting and purchasing your furnishings, we manage the tracking, storage, delivery and installation of your items.

Art & Accessories

Finishing touches can make or break a space. Allow us to finish off your space, and we can make sure your art and accessories are intentional, and cohesive with the rest of your space.

...and more!
